

I want this!



Hi ! Here is NotePad !

As its name suggests, (again) "NotePad" allows you to take notes !
As far as I know, it's not revolutionary but there is few things to know about it...

The important point is that you’ll need ONLY 1 INSTANCE per session. All you have to do is to load the "NotePad" device on the track of choice, open the floating window and configure his position and his size (it was originally designed to fit in empty, or not so used, boxes of Live, like the groove pool, overview or information ones). Once it’s done you can save it in a template, or as a preset, to avoid doing these steps the next time you'll start a new session.

Here is a list of the NotePad features:

  • Only one instance needed: « NotePad » displays text, the name and the color of the selected track (even Master track). Notes are saved and recalled just by selecting tracks,

  • Apple "Silicon" M1 compatible,

  • Floating window: Draggable, zoomable, resizable, integrable in the Live environment,

  • "Anchored" zoom mode,

  • 5 presets slots to save and load user settings (mappable for recall),

  • Autofocus: (thanks to « live.tools » by 11olsen), this avoids having to click twice on the Live window to recover focus,

  • Customizable colors: You can modify the UI colors (track name, ) of the floating window as you want with the "Color Panel". There an "A" box that make the object color follows the current selected track color, and 3 selectable (only 2 for the Text section) "theme colors" (by default) that you can modify to by grabbing the box and drag it onto the color of your choice, a circle will be displayed to let you return back to the default color,

  • Select Previous/Next track: allows navigation through your tracks, close to the note to avoid moving the mouse too far between notes. Of course, you can also directly select tracks in your session,

  • AutoSelect Note: it keep focus on the Note Box when changing tracks with the "Select Previous/Next track" buttons. (If move the mouse out of the NotePad window it will lose the focus),

  • Erase Current Note: erases the current note associated with your current selected track,

  • Erase All Notes: erases all note of all tracks in session,

  • Date & Time display

  • Locate Mother: allows you to jump in 1 click to the "mother" docked device to make modifications, if you click again, it brings you back to your last selected track or device,

  • Lock: it keeps active the note of the last selected track before closing the padlock,

  • Toolbars: can be moved independently on the top or the right side of the NotePad floating window,

  • Bring to front: brings back the floating window to the foreground,

  • Push2 optimized.

The main purpose of this device is to allow you to take notes quickly with just one instance that you can keep under your eyes when you're working. More than just one page, here you got the whole block :)

In your downloaded NotePad 1.xx.zip file you’ll find:

  • NotePad.amxd

  • A folder called « Package (Live 11 ONLY) ». Inside this folder you’ll find a video file !!! Installation !!! and a package ARFAL - NotePad. This package permits to integrate "NotePad" in the “Audio Effects” section , in the “Utilities” folder. This is experimental so PLEASE follow carefully the “!!! Installation !!!” video and install at your own risk !

Before purchasing any product on Gumroad, I strongly suggest that you log in to your account or create one if you haven't already. This will allow you to access all the content you have purchased before (in the "Library" section), you will also have all the updates directly available. Everyone saves time, everyone is happy :)

I want this!

Due to his nature, this digital product is not eligible for refund.

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In case you have any problem, before giving a bad rating, please contact me at the following address: arfal.contact@gmail.com
Release Notes:
NEW: Floating windows now can also be moved by dragging & dropping it, NEW: added option to "anchor" the position of the floating window while zooming, FIXED: issue with the zoom behaviour, + Minor patch Modifications.
FIXED: External [11live.tools] updated, fixes the issue with the Live opening window, + Minor patch modifications.
NEW: init sends & receives replaces loadbangs, FIXED: Position boxes allow negative values, useful for users with second monitor placed on the left or top of the main monitor, FIXED: live.banks: 2 misnamed parameters, color section removed, FIXED: Zoom doesn't change Floating window position anymore, + Minor patch modifications.
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